Case StudiesRTE 1 ‘Living Word’ for Brighter Communities Worldwide (script 2)

‘Harambee’ is the Swahili word for togetherness and is at the heart of everything that development charity, Brighter Communities Worldwide, believes in and works towards.
Since it’s inception in 2002, the Irish NGO has been a catalyst for development in Kenya – kick-starting opportunities in which people are encouraged to flourish, partnerships are encouraged to flourish, true development is encouraged to flourish.
It is this concept of partnership that the charity has excelled at, empowering communities to realise their dreams of personal and economic freedom, all the while providing support and friendship.
This collaborative approach can be seen throughout Brighter Communities Worldwide’ Health, Education, Economic Empowerment and Water Programmes; it is the thread that weaves hope, support and encouragement throughout all its work.

People are key to the Brighter Communities Worldwide model – people making choices about their own development based on their values. Communities must own projects if they are to bring about real change and this happens through a strong base of local volunteers and a team of local staff based in Londiani.
This is evident in the many thank you messages from beneficiaries of Brighter Communities Worldwide projects, including one from Duncan Kipkeri, Education Bursary recipient. He says that he met them while at primary school, and the charity helped his family pay his secondary school fees, an investment in his future. Duncan was very successful in his education, working hard and doing well. “I now hope to train as a teacher, he says “so I can support young people in my region in the same way that Brighter Communities Worldwide supported me”.
Harambee in action