Extraordinary changes are being made to the lives of ordinary people in Kenya by Brighter Communities Worldwide. Take Joyce, who is married to Reuben, who works with the NGO in Kenya. Together they grow tea and coffee on their farm in Ndubusat. In recent years, Joyce has joined the Women in Coffee Association and formed a local group of 330 women in her area who are all coffee growers.
Providing access to clean water at Joyce’s farm is just one of the many ways Brighter Communities Worldwide has improved life and provided economic opportunities for the family.
Having clean flowing water via a tap piped into the grounds of Joyce’s homestead is almost a metaphor for the opportunities that have flowed for the family following its installation.
Joyce is using a new bio-gas unit, which converts the cow dung from her two cows into biogas and fertiliser. She uses the fertiliser on her coffee plants, and the crop is thriving. The gas is used for cooking vegetables and making tea and coffee. Nothing is wasted. Everything is appreciated and valued.

Joyce’s friend and neighbour, Rachel, has a healthy homestead and has also joined the ‘ Women in Coffee Association’. The healthy homestead is working like a dream, dramatically reducing the number of hours women would spend each day collecting water and firewood.
Joyce and Rachel now use this extra time to tend to their coffee crop, and yields have doubled. Rachel and her husband, Joseph, have doubled the yield from their land and now supply vegetables to the local school. Their increased income means they can help with their grandchildren’s school fees; A wonderful continuity of Brighter Communities Worldwide vision and mission.